The MeetSpa App

Download the app to list and reserve workspaces today.

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How It Works

Where Salon Owners and Beauty Pros Meet.


Travel to a new city or across town.


Rent a salon or workspace of your choice.


Schedule your clients and work in your new salon.

Best Features

Trending Ui/Ux Design

Ui/Ux Design

Created with user experience in mind. Easily browse and search the workspaces that suits your needs and convenience.

Bringing it all together

Host List &

Be a part of a workspace revolution that redefines how you rent and profit in the beauty industry. Conveniently manage your calendar, direct booking reservations, & earnings all on our app. Meet your new receptionist.

Keep your audience update

Take your brand
wherever you go

Traveling to a new city or across town? Browse and compare spaces nearby.

The MeetSpa App

Download the app to reserve and list workspaces today.

App store Google play